Oil Palm Seeds

Elaeis guineensis

Palm Plantations of Australia

Our Oil Palm Seeds

Palm Oil SeedsOur Oil Palm seeds are bred by a primary seed producer who has the benefit of R&D protocol dating back to 1930.

We are fortunate that the current planting material, comprised of mainly DxD crosses has gone through generations of vigourous selection and introgression of diverse varieties such as Ekona (high oil to bunch), Bameda (high altitude palms),La Me (short and drought tolerant), Oleifera (high unsaturated oil and low height increment), Yangambi (early yield).

Generations of stringent selection has resulted in highly uniform planting

Palm Oil Comparison

A comparison between SIRIM (Malaysian Govt Palm Oil Seed Certifying Authority) and our minimum qualifying requirement with regards to the mother palm and progeny (offspring) performance is given below.

SIRIM Min Standard
Our Supreme Yield
Minimum Dura Yield
Oil to Bunch
Oil Yield / Palm
Min Progeny Yield
Oil to Bunch
Progeny Oil Yield / Palm
Minimum Kernel Yield
Oil Yield/Ha (136 Palms)
5.22 tonns
9.18 tons
Oil Yield/Ha (156 Palms)
10.5 tons

The extra oil yield (5.28ton) at USD$750/ton will earn an extra USD$3960/Ha every year.

Certified Oil Palm Field Trial - 125 Hectares

19th-24th month
Yield/Ha 7.54tons
25th-36th month
Yield/Ha 10.61tons
37th-48th month
Yield/Ha 20.28tons
49th-60th month
Yield/Ha 25.27tons
61st-72nd month
Yield/Ha 35.65tons

Oil Palm

8 Year old Oil Palm tree in our seed nursery, produced 535kg of fruit this year.

Short Trunk Height

With a certain percentage of genes from La Me and Oleifera species, our planting material has the advantage of a short trunk height which translates to a prolonged economic lifespan.

Our 18 year old palm has a trunk height of 4.0m as compared to 12.0m for a 25 year old palm from other seed producers. Height increment can measure as low as 25cm per year which is less than half of that from normal plantings.

Many of our trees have 40kg bunches yielding over 400kg per tree / year.

Early Maturity

With the incorporation of the Yangambi gene through the paternal lineage our planting material is vigorous and harvesting of fruits can commence 24 months after planting as opposed to the conventional 30-36months.

2 Year Old Oil Palm

High Yield

Our planting material can produce a high yield of 16 tons/ha in the first year of harvesting,subsequently increasing to 35-38tons/ha in the 5th year of harvesting.

535kg Oil Palm

Higher Density Planting

The leaf area of some of the mother palms after 10 years is around 9.5 square metres. Hence the optimal density of 156 Palms/Ha can be achieved if the terrain and soil fertility were suitable.

Tissue Cultured Material

We are entering the Biotechnology field with the construction of a tissue culture laboratory. Tissue Culture enables replication of individual high performing Palm in large scale and shorter time. Tissue Culture ensures that ramets(offspring) produced are identical to that of the original palm.

Traits such as higher oil/bunch is highly heritable and transferable to the next generation. An improvementof 20-30%oil yield can be expected over conventional DxP planting material.

WARNING: Many current tissue culture producers face problems with mantling where hermaphrodite fruits are produced. The cloning protocol for oil palm needs to be perfected prior to mass replication. Subsequently, genetic engineering can be applied to improve oil characteristics such as higher carotene, tocopherol, tocotrienol, olein synthesis etc.

Germinated Oil Palm Seeds

Our germinated seeds are guaranteed to be the very best quality government certified seed now available. They will provide early maturing, high yields and maximum long term profitability for your business.

Click for more information on Palm Oil seeds

Palm Plantations of Australia

Palm Oil Seeds

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